Population by sex and social class
Social Class Male Female Total
Professional workers 549 431 980
Managerial and technical 1,693 1,967 3,660
Non-manual 624 1,079 1,703
Skilled manual 734 426 1,160
Semi-skilled 409 328 737
Unskilled 88 87 175
All others gainfully occupied and unknown 528 668 1,196
Total 4,625 4,986 9,611


Persons in private households by socio-economic group of reference person
Socio-economic group of reference person Households Persons
A Employers and managers 726 2,317
B Higher professional 287 910
C Lower professional 482 1,374
D Non-manual 649 1,829
E Manual skilled 218 626
F Semi-skilled 194 597
G Unskilled 67 191
H Own account workers 190 611
I Farmers 16 54
J Agricultural workers 7 18
Z All others gainfully occupied and unknown 398 1,008
Total 3,234 9,535