I hope you are all keeping well and staying “safe”.
Some information for you:
For Parishioners who would like to contribute to the Christmas Dues collection, envelopes are available at the back of the Church. Alternatively, you can log on to the Parish website (www.ballybodenparish.ie)and make your Christmas Dues donation via the Donate button. You will need an email address and you will have to create a password. Once all that is done you are good to go. The Donate button can also be used for the Silver Circle, Church Collections, Easter Dues and Planned Giving.
The Parish Church is back open again for Mass. Numbers are limited to 100.
Mass times are as follows: 9am Monday -Saturday, 6.30pm Saturday and 11am Sunday
The Church is open until 4.30pm each day if you would like to call for some quiet prayer.
Christmas Reconciliation Service: Wednesday 23rd at 730pm
Christmas Mass Times:
Christmas Eve: 5pm, 7pm & 9pm
Christmas Day: 10am & 12 Noon
Due to the limit on numbers, I believe it is fairer to operate a ticketed system for Christmas Masses. Tickets are available from the Parish Office (located in the portacabin in the Church grounds) Monday – Friday 9am-5pm (Closed for lunch 1-2pm) Phone: 4241000
When attending the Church or the Parish Office please wear a face mask and adhere to social distancing guidelines.
Fr. John Hughes OSA, P.P
December 2020